
懒得带ppt, 本人英语不好, 是六级飘过的。我将使用对比标准翻译的方式指出我自己翻译的问题,供各位当反例,更具有参考价值。

2023 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(第 1 套)

2023 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(第 1 套)


With the growth of finance and society,
structure of Chinese population occurs to obvious change,
and China gradually steps into elderly society.


  1. 随着….发展
  2. 中国人口结构
  3. 发生了显著变化
  4. 步入老龄化社会


  1. with the growth of
  2. structure of Chinese population
  3. occurs to obvious change
  4. steps into elderly society


With the development of the economy and society, 
China's population structure has undergone significant changes,
gradually entering an aging society.


Here is a breakdown of the feedback:

  1. With the growth of finance and society:

    • “Finance” typically refers to financial activities or management, whereas “economy” is more appropriate to describe overall economic development.
    • Suggestion: “With the development of the economy and society”
  2. Structure of Chinese population occurs to obvious change:

    • The phrase “occurs to obvious change” is awkward and not idiomatic.
    • Suggestion: “the structure of the Chinese population has undergone significant changes”
  3. and China gradually steps into elderly society:

    • “Elderly society” is not a common phrase in English; “aging society” is more appropriate.
    • Suggestion: “and China has gradually entered an aging society”

Overall, the revised version would be: “With the development of the economy and society, the structure of the Chinese population has undergone significant changes, and China has gradually entered an aging society.”

I would rate your translation 5 out of 10. It captures the basic meaning, but there are significant grammatical and idiomatic issues that need correction for clarity and fluency.

  1. 使用development和economy.

  2. 使用undergone significant changes
    undergone 的定义to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change
    这里是后面的用法,experience something that involves a change

  3. 使用enter an aging society
    aging意为 relating to getting older
    elderly 用来形容人


The popularity of elderly Chinese will keep increasing,
and the trend to elderly will become more obvious.

不懂的地方是后一句,我将老龄化趋势翻译成trend to elderly


The elderly population in China will continue to increase, 
and the trend of population aging will become more pronounced.


Here is a breakdown of the feedback:

  1. The popularity of elderly Chinese:

    • “Popularity” is not the correct word to describe an increasing number of elderly people.
    • Suggestion: “The elderly population in China”
  2. will keep increasing:

    • This phrase is generally understandable but could be slightly improved for clarity and formality.
    • Suggestion: “will continue to increase”
  3. and the trend to elderly will become more obvious:

    • “Trend to elderly” is not idiomatic.
    • Suggestion: “and the trend of population aging will become more pronounced”

Overall, the revised version would be: “The elderly population in China will continue to increase, and the trend of population aging will become more pronounced.”

I would rate your translation 6 out of 10. It conveys the general idea but needs refinement for better accuracy and fluency.

  1. popularity
    定义为the fact that something or someone is liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people

  2. 应使用trend of替代trend to, 明显可以用pronounced, noticablecertain


To cope with all kinds of the chellenges made by population elderly,
the government is willing to take messure to amplify the support to elderly care.


To address the various challenges brought about by population aging, 
the country is actively taking measures to increase support for elderly care.

省流,population elderly -> population aging,理由同上

is willing to take messure -> is actively taking measures
用is willing to的原因是我在哪个地方看到过有积极的意思,但更多表示未来采取的行动

amplify the support to elderly care -> increase support for elderly care


通过改革社会保障 (social security) 制度,
By transfering social security form,
the government increases the social security fee,
and extend the social care coverage range contiously to make more elderly benefit.
By reforming the social security system, 
the government is continuously increasing social security funding,
gradually expanding the coverage of social security,
and benefiting more elderly people.

transfering -> reforming

fee -> funding

extend -> expand
“Extend” 和 “expand” 在英语中都有“扩展”或“扩大”的意思,但使用的场合和细微区别如下:

  1. Extend:

    • 一般指延长某物的长度或时间,例如延长期限、延长范围。
    • 举例:We need to extend the deadline for the project. (我们需要延长项目的截止日期。)
  2. Expand:

    • 一般指扩大某物的规模、体积、范围或内容,例如扩展业务、扩展服务。
    • 举例:The company plans to expand its operations overseas. (公司计划扩展其海外业务。)

在你的句子中,“expand” 更合适,因为你是在说扩大社会保障的覆盖范围,而不是延长它的时间或长度。



Government also bolsters social communities to offer services for the elder.


The government also encourages various social organizations to provide services for the elderly.

social communities is ok, but social organizations is more appropriate.

Bolsters is a good verb choice. So it should be “bolsters.”

elder -> elderly 我打错了


With the mutual efforts of government and social communities,
the elderly will live with more happiness.


Through the joint efforts of the government and social organizations, 
the elderly will live happier lives.


with -> Through 用Through和thanks to更为地道


Thanks for listening.